• Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

REPORT: “It will kill the game,” is the argument being made in response to the NRL’s “embarrassing” talks about outlawing kickoffs.

REPORT: "It will kill the game," is the argument being made in response to the NRL's "embarrassing" talks about outlawing kickoffs.

REPORT: “It will kill the game,” is the argument being made in response to the NRL’s “embarrassing” talks about outlawing kickoffs.

The idea that the NRL should outlaw kickoffs in order to prevent the kind of high-speed collisions that have already claimed three players’ lives in the 2024 season has been hotly debated.

Although it is a longstanding tradition in the NRL, seeing players dash off the back fence and into the teeth of the opposition following the kickoff may come to an end due to player welfare concerns.

“The kickoff ban: a great debate,” Braith Anasta stated on NRL 360.

According to Dean Ritchie, the NRL will talk about outlawing the kick-off in its current form within the next three seasons.

Ritchie stated, “I talked to Greg Alexander, and Brandy gave me a few quotes, and he is another advocate for it to be considered banned.”

“I’m not advocating for its outlawing. All I’m trying to say is, is this something we need to talk about in the next two to three years?

Paul Kent vigorously defended the game and the kick-off, urging coaches to modify their strategy instead of outright prohibiting the practice.

It’s not, Kent retorted.

The response is no, as rugby league is involved. Alright, allow me to quickly go through it.

Yes, they voluntarily participate in the game. It pays nicely for them to play the game.

“They decide when to accelerate and when to catch the ball. Nothing in the regulations requires you to speed into the line in the same manner that others do.

“The rules don’t require you to defend that tackle in the same manner as they do, with two players on each side of the player in the middle, all of them standing straight up.

“They are able to alter their approach. They are not required to return the ball to the line in the same manner.

“Whoever smashes past the line and moves 30 or 40 meters after hitting the line in all the times we see these? It doesn’t take place.

“They never really break off the kickoff until they actually begin passing the ball,” the analyst said.

“One of us coughs, and we’re all sick with a cold here, locked in.” Thus, everyone handles it in the same way.

“Modify their style of play. Why is it necessary to amend the rule because the coaches or players are pushing them to do something that isn’t good for them?

A heated discussion was triggered when Ritchie questioned whether the NRL should be looking at more measures to safeguard the players from themselves.

“But why aren’t we investigating strategies to lessen collisions?” stated Ritchie.

Kent growled, “Oh, well, that’s called touch.”

“We’ll refer to it as touch football. since they choose to play the game themselves.

Ritchie said, “A bloke gets off the back fence.”

“They begin at the midway point. We possess sixty meters. They are traveling at 30 km/h. The G-force is astonishing.

“Ban it, I’m not saying. You don’t understand me at all. I’m arguing that eventually they should be able to eliminate that significant collision and begin with a 20-meter tap.

It’s embarrassing, Kent remarked.

Anasta concurred, “It’s embarrassing.”

“The game will be ruined by us. The game will be ruined by it. There is a thin line.

Kent remarked, “I’ve got a solution; get some tags and attach them to your shorts.”

Anasta suggested, “Let’s just tap and run off the kick-off.”

“This year, there have been three knockouts,” Ritchie stated.

However, you’re beating me up. You’re beating up the wrong guy.

Kent chastised the NRL for even permitting the conversation to happen.

Kent remarked, “I’m hammering the NRL because nobody in there is listening.”

“And it’s embarrassing for the game once more that they’re even letting this topic to pick up steam.

“Because, what do you know? It’s league rugby. It resembles when two combatants enter a ring, you know? They voluntarily enter there, and guess what? The purse they win at the end is what they paid to enter the ring. They also incur costs along the route.

Ritchie still thinks the NRL will keep searching for methods to improve player wellbeing.

Ritchie remarked, “You know what the NRL has been doing for the past three to four years in terms of trying to eradicate potential concussions.”

James Hooper declared, “Well, you’re not allowed to hit players in the head anymore.”

“You’re just not permitted,”

If the NRL continues to remove components that are exclusive to rugby league, Kent thinks they run the risk of destroying the essence of the game.

According to Kent, “the rules are already in place to protect the player.”

There are regulations in place to penalize them if they choose to run the ball, take a chance, and do what they do and anything goes wrong.

“I fail to see what the issue is. I fail to see why men are always jumping into this hysteric mode and saying things like, “Oh, we’re going to change the rules.”

“In the end, we’ll be sitting there playing touch football if the NRL continues to give in to this ridiculous debate that people find ridiculous.” That will end the game.

The panel was infuriated by Ritchie’s assertion that the kick-off as it exists now will vanish in three years.

Ritchie remarked, “I’ll put 20 bucks on it right now, and in three years, that will be illegal.”

It would be a depressing day, Anasta remarked.

“You already know what the likelihood is, but that’s the NRL’s problem, not mine,” Kent remarked.

Finally, bring in some knowledgeable individuals who have a basic understanding of the rules and structure of the game.REPORT: "It will kill the game," is the argument being made in response to the NRL's "embarrassing" talks about outlawing kickoffs.

“Players choose to play. You’re playing rugby league and you’re going to sit there and put your wellbeing on the line for our amusement, but that’s not the gladiator era they’re informed. They decide to act in this way. They receive a good wage for it. That is the reality.

Ritchie remarked, “My only hope is that those three concussion victims don’t bounce their grandchildren off their knee in 20 years and forget who they are.”

That’s it; you’re not allowed, said Kent.

Sincerely, that’s embarrassing, Anasta remarked.

“Well, the discussion is over, and I believe you lost it.”


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